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There are many Christian believers who profess to being led by the Spirit. On a daily basis they speak in such a manner as to say, “God told me to do this today,”
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There are many Christian believers who profess to being led by the Spirit. On a daily basis they speak in such a manner as to say, “God told me to do this today,”
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The Trinity doctrine has been promoted as an infallible and an unquestionable truth throughout most of Christian history and has even been accepted by many Messianic organizations. This article will show that God
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The Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) is not a person, not a being, and not a God of a Trinity. God is biunial, not triune. This article will present 17 reasons why the Holy
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For millennia, Christians have often asked, “Why won’t the Jews just accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior?” This article will examine Romans 11 and discuss why the Jews, God’s original
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This article will discuss how God’s Spirit and His words, when applied in our lives, refine us to be a reflection of Him.
PSALM 12:6 (NKJV):
The words of YHWH (the Lord) are
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Our bodies were created to attain optimal health and vitality by following the Master Designer’s dietary laws outlined primarily in Genesis 1:29, Leviticus 11, and Deuteronomy 14.
The word ‘ceremonial’ and
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A widely-held Christian view of salvation, known as Free Grace theology or Hyper-grace theology, states that eternal life is received by a person the moment he or she declares belief in
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Did the Christian Church replace Israel or do believers still need to be grafted into Israel? Replacement Theology teaches that the Jews are no longer God’s covenant chosen people and
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Preterism is a doctrinal belief proclaiming that all of Scripture prophecy was fulfilled by 70 A.D. While most Messianic and Christian believers do not accept the doctrine of preterism, and rightly consider it
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Many believers in these end times go through anxiety and grave concern (tribulation) over the future as they experience and eyewitness society degenerating all around them, becoming more corrupt year after year and