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The National Football League Super Bowl halftime shows, put on by popular music performers, have always been a venue that promoted and glorified immorality and sin in some fashion, but in recent decades it has morphed into a Satanic PSYOP. America’s NFL Super Bowl halftime shows, one of the world’s most watched annual musical entertainment events, are one way Satan is projecting his evil plans, which he soon intends to carry out upon the people of the world.
AMOS 3:7 (NKJV):
Surely YHWH (the Lord) God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.
Satan is not God, but he imitates God. God has spoken to His people in metaphors and parables and Satan mimics God by speaking to the world in metaphors and parables. Satan is revealing his intentions to his servants, the antichrists, and all the people of the world. Satan may imitate God’s methods, but as the lawless one, not God’s righteousness, as he is the father of lies, a thief, and a murderer (John 8:44, 10:10). While Satan is promoting the evil that he intends to bring to the world as good, many of his predictive messages are not altogether that different than what Scripture prophecy has long ago foretold will occur.
1 JOHN 2:18 (NKJV):
Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.
The NFL has always used Roman numerals to numerate the Super Bowls, which is an acknowledgment of Rome, the city the Antimessiah (Antichrist) will rule from. As believers, it is good to know what the Scriptures proclaim about prophetic events that are foretold to occur. It is also good to know what the enemy, Satan the adversary, is proclaiming. This article by Scripture Truth Ministries will chronicle the Satanic Super Bowl halftime shows and the message Satan is declaring through them, starting in the year 2012 with Super Bowl 46.
Super Bowl 46, Indianapolis, Indiana February 5, 2012
Pop singer Madonna is led into the arena by a legion of Roman soldiers. Madonna is seated on a golden throne between two sphynxes. Madonna is posing, pun intended, as Sekhmet, the Egyptian goddess of war.
As Madonna finishes her song, singing, “It feels like home,” she descends into hell with an assembly of clergy-dressed persons, men and women, standing guard in front of her, who represent the end-times apostate church. The camera footage then segues into the crowd, with a message that reads, “World Peace.” Looking carefully at the world peace message, the stage above it appears to take the shape of a Roman Eagle known as an Aquilla (ak weel ah), which is driving a sword between the words “world” and “peace.” The world leader, known as the Antimessiah (Antichrist), will rule from Rome and he will offer the world peace, but will bring it death and destruction.
“For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them.”
Super Bowl 49, Glendale, Arizona February 1, 2015
Pop singer Katy Perry comes out riding a beast, singing her song “Roar.” The symbolism here is that the Roman Catholic Church is represented metaphorically as a woman in Revelation 17, which rides the European Union Final Roman Empire beast. Perry is representing the woman, the Catholic Church, and is proclaiming that the world is soon going to hear the Catholic Church roar, that is, come to power and prominence again through riding the beast, aligning with the final Roman Empire.
Super Bowl 50, Santa Clara, California February 7, 2016
The British band Coldplay performed at the Super Bowl 50 halftime show, and the promotion of LGBTQ+ pride was on display as evidenced by the rainbow colors being paraded around on stage and in the crowd, but there was more to it than that. The song they played was Viva La Vida which translates to Long Live Life in English. The stage was fashioned after St. Peter’s Square in Vatican City.
The song’s lyrics are an anthem for when the Roman Catholic Church used to rule the world, during the Dark Middle Ages and is longing and preparing to do so once again. The lyrics are also a confessional that the Catholic Church is an institution built on lies.
Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida” (Long Live Life) lyric excerpt [WITH INTERPRETATION]:
I, the Catholic Church, hear Jerusalem bells-a-ringing [MY DESIRE TO ONCE AGAIN CONQUER JERUSALEM], Roman Calvary choirs are singing [THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IS PREPARING], [SATAN] Be my mirror, my sword, and shield [FOR] my [CATHOLIC CHURCH] missionaries [THAT ARE] in a foreign field [REVELATION 17:1, 15]. For some reason, I [MYSTERY BABYLON, THE MOTHER HARLOT CHURCH] can’t explain, I know Saint Pet er won’t call my name [HE IS DEAD AND WAS NEVER THE BISHOP OR POPE OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH]. Never an honest word [FROM THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH]. But that was when I [THE CATHOLIC CHURCH] ruled the world [IN THE DARK MIDDLE AGES].
In 2016, at the Super Bowl Halftime show, the Satanic predictive message was being proclaimed that the Roman Catholic Church was going to embrace homosexuality. In 2023, Roman Catholic Church’s Pope Francis authorized the blessing of same-sex couples.
Super Bowl 53, Atlanta, Georgia, February 3, 2019
Trumpets are blowing before the appearance of rapper Travis Scott, who takes on the role of Satan and comes down to the Super Bowl halftime stage like a star fallen from heaven. Trumpets blowing, preceding Satan coming to Earth is Satan attempting to usurp Yeshua’s (Jesus’) glorious return.
For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and, with the trumpet of God.
“For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
Super Bowl 54, Miami, Florida, February 2, 2020
Pop singers Jennifer Lopez and Shakira appeared on stage with 18 young girls who were temporarily held in cages and brought to them. Lopez was wearing a scantily clad outfit resembling Baphomet, a pagan deity. The young girls represented the acceptance of child trafficking, sexualizing young children, and the normalization of pedophilia by the world’s ruling elites. Caging 18 girls is a signature of Satan and his number 6+6+6.
Super Bowl 55, Tampa Bay, Florida, February 7, 2021
Canadian pop singer Abel Tesfaye (Tess-Phi-Aye) aka “the Weeknd,” portrays the Antimessiah (Antichrist) waiting for His moment to reveal himself to the world, just before Satan and his demons descended to Earth. Then he appears through an opening of doors and raises his arms, as if declaring himself to be God.
The man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
Tesfaye (Tess Phi Aye), representing the Antimessiah (Antichrist), then leads a multitude of masked men, indicating future plagues and an ongoing compliant, masked, and vaccinated society.
And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries [PHARAKIA] or their sexual immorality or their thefts.
Super Bowl 56, Los Angeles, California February 13, 2022
Rap artists Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg sang atop small attached housing units with old antique cars neatly parked near them. The image represents the World Economic Forum proposal for 15-minute cities in which cars are not needed and are considered antiques that aren’t to be used anymore.
Super Bowl 57, Glendale, Arizona February 12, 2023
Pop singer Rihanna came out dressed in an all-red outfit and was notably pregnant. Rihanna representing the soon-to-be mother of the Antimessiah (Antichrist) is being heralded by deflated fallen angels.
Super Bowl 58, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 11, 2024
Pop singer Usher started his show seated on a throne and giving a sinister look. The throne chair was designed to give the appearance that Usher had wings as if he were a fallen angel, Satan, sitting on a throne. This throne remained prominently displayed and illuminated throughout Usher’s opening song he was often filmed at just the right camera angle as to give the appearance that he had angel wings.
Singer Alicia Keys was next to perform and she was dressed in an all-red outfit and played piano on an all-red piano that was fashioned in the shape of an open serpent’s mouth with a forked tongue.
Keys’ red outfit was similar to the red outfit worn by Rihanna at the Super Bowl 57 Halftime Show a year earlier. Rihanna represented the expectant mother who was pregnant and would soon give birth to the Antimessiah (Antichrist). Keys represents the mother of the Antimessiah (Antichrist) who has given birth to him. Scripture Truth Ministries believes that the Antichrist (Antimessiah) has been born and he will begin his 7-year reign from 2055 through 2062 at about the age of 32.
Usher continued with his performance on a circular stage illuminated with a flaming sun in a display of Luciferian sun god worship. Osiris is the Egyptian god of the underworld. Egyptologists also refer to Osiris as Usire or Usir, very similar to Usher. Usher, representing Satan, is also an appropriate name for Satan to herald and usher in the Antimessiah (Antichrist) to the world.
Singer and guitarist Gabriella Wilson, whose stage name H.E.R. or her, had her hair pinned up like horns, in homage to Satan. She also brought out her promiscuous-looking “bad girl” roller skate performers who looked like they came right out of Sodom. It will be as it were in the days of Lot in Sodom, before Yeshua (Jesus) returns (Luke 17:26-30).