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This article will discuss the two different worldviews of two spiritual teachers and the beliefs of their respective flocks concerning God’s Dietary Commandments found primarily in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.
There has not arisen in Israel a prophet like Moses, whom YHWH (the Lord) knew face to face, in all the signs in which YHWH (the Lord) sent him to do in the land of Egypt…
Moses was one of the greatest figures and spiritual teachers in all of Scripture. His life was a testimony of obedience to God and of being the deliverer of his Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage.
And YHWH (the Lord) said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.”
After the great flood of Noah’s time, YHWH (the Lord) shortened man’s lifespan to 120-years. 120-years is the maximum apportioned lifespan of modern man.
Moses was one hundred and twenty years old when he died. His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished.
Aaron was one hundred and twenty-three years old when he died on Mount Hor.
Moses was a healthy, long-lived man of 120-years. Moses’ brother Aaron lived to be 123-years-old. Moses lived and obeyed God’s commandments, including God’s Dietary Commandments. Moses and his followers never ate pork, shellfish, or any other unclean creature.
PSALM 105:37 (NKJV):
He also brought them out with silver and gold, and there was NONE FEEBLE among His tribes.
As the spiritual teacher and deliverer of the Hebrew nation tribes, God, via Moses, instructed the Hebrews concerning God’s Dietary Commandments. As a result of obedience to His dietary commands, there was not one feeble person, NOT ONE, among the twelve Hebrew tribes who departed Egypt in the Exodus. Imagine a whole nation, the elderly included, and not one person was feeble!
Catholic Pope John Paul II was born Karol Jozef Wojtyla on 18 May 1920 and died on 2 April 2005. John Paul II served as the Roman Catholic Pontiff from 16 October 1978 until his death in 2005 at 84-years-old. He was the second longest serving Catholic pope in history.
Continuing on with the early traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, John Paul II lived (in his personal diet) and taught that God’s Dietary Commandments were done away with.
The Roman Catholic Pope John Paul II suffered from Parkinson’s disease and perhaps various other acquired diseases before he died a helpless, feeble man. John Paul II must have believed that he could violate God’s Dietary Commands with impunity. John Paul II frequently ate tripe (pork intestines) for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The once avid skier and hiker was halting in speech, barely able to walk, and in constant pain from effects of what medical experts believed was an advanced case of Parkinson’s. Leading up to his death, John Paul II was attended around the clock by private male nurses who helped wash and dress him and gave him an occasional massage. Pope John Paul II died following a urinary tract infection that progressed into a bloodstream infection [1]. He was 84-years-old.
John Paul II was feeble, could hardly walk or speak, was in constant pain in his last years on Earth, and was dead at 84. Why?
God’s Dietary Commands apply to kings and peasants, to the rich and poor, to clergymen and their flock, to the Jew and to the Gentile. Those who apply God’s dietary laws, whether through knowledge of them or not, reap health blessings from doing so, while those who do not apply God’s dietary laws, whether they know them or not, are cursed with disease, feebleness, and premature death from not doing so. Catholic popes have no right or special privilege to discard God’s Dietary Commands, nor teach others to do so. Catholic priests, and other false teachers, are the same as the priests in Ezekiel 22:26. The dietary teachings of the Catholic, Protestant, and many mainstream Christian churches are in opposition to what Scripture instructs us concerning the human diet.
John Paul II was like the scribes and Pharisees who Yeshua (Jesus) addressed in Matthew 23:27. John Paul II was like a whitewashed tomb in white priestly garments, and appeared beautiful outwardly, but inwardly he was full of a dead man’s bones and all uncleanness caused by a lifetime of destroying his body through the consumption of unclean creatures, specifically swine.
Doctors are fully aware (or most are) of the blood-destroying, disease- causing effects that consuming unclean creatures has on the human body over time. John Paul II was NOT above God’s Dietary Commandments and suffered a horribly painful and premature death as a result of disobeying them. John Paul II often ate pork and other animal organs, for breakfast!
Near the end of his life, on doctor’s orders, John Paul II stuck to a mostly vegetarian diet, avoiding breakfasts that once included prosciutto (pork) or roast beef, and meals of Polish favorites like tripe (pork and other animal organs and intestines) [1].
Catholic Pope John Paul II was the leader of over a billion Catholics, most of whom have been taught and believe that God’s Dietary Commands have been done away with. There is much cancer, disease, illness, old-age feebleness, and premature death among Catholics and Protestants, who are fond of eating pork, fish without scales, and shellfish in violation of God’s Dietary Commands listed in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Many Catholics and Protestants, like John Paul II, do not obey God’s Dietary Commands, but will follow their doctor’s orders only after they get sick.
There are two dietary paths one can follow. Believe in God’s unchanging word, be set apart and separate, eat according to His dietary laws, and reap long-term health blessings as Moses and Aaron did, or believe that God’s Dietary Commands do not apply to you, be common, eat all manner of unclean and unhealthy creatures, and reap bodily curses, disease, feebleness, and premature death as John Paul II did.
1. People Magazine, “Enduring Spirit. Despite Declining Health, Pope John Paul II Proves He’s Still in Charge as He Turns 84.” By Susan Schindehette, Vol. 61 – No. 20 – May 24, 2004, <http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20150148,00.html>